Taking Matter into Your Own Hands: About AirBeam

AirBeam is a low-cost, palm-sized air quality instrument that measures hyperlocal concentrations of harmful microscopic particles in the air, known as particulate matter, as well as humidity and temperature. The AirBeam measures particulate matter with proven accuracy and when used in conjunction with the AirCasting platform - or a custom solution - helps community-based organizations, educators, academics, regulators, city managers, and community scientists map air pollution and organize for clean air.
Get Started with AirBeamWhy AirBeam?
The AirBeam was designed by HabitatMap to raise awareness of the disproportionate environmental burdens borne by low-income communities and communities of color and equip these communities with tools to advocate for equity and improved quality of life.
Learn More
Measure, visualize, and share environmental data via AirCasting Maps.