Your donations help make technologies accessible so communities facing disproportionate environmental burdens can advocate for equity and improved quality of life.
Make a Direct Donation Online or by Mail
HabitatMap is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization. All contributions from US donors are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. Donations and grants are welcome from anywhere in the world.
Prefer to give by mail? Please send checks or money orders payable to HabitatMap to:
Attn: Development Department
34A St Marks Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Matching Gifts
Double your donation with matching funds from your employer! Check with your company's human resources department to determine if your employer has a matching gift program and send the form to us with your donation. Forms can be mailed or emailed.
Recurring Gifts
If you are interested in making recurring gifts to HabitatMap, please contact us.